Data Engineering Projects

1. Introduction

Whether you are new to data engineering or have been in the data field for a few years, one of the most challenging parts of learning new frameworks is setting them up! Data infra is notoriously hard to set up. You want to improve your skills on a specific tool or framework, but the biggest issue is usually setting them up. If you feel

Feel that data infrastructure is tough to set up locally

Feel that it is not easy to see how your code changes impact the pipeline quickly

That you are having a hard time installing the data tool/framework that you want to practice

If so, this post is for you. Imagine being able to inspect a tool/framework easily. You will gain invaluable expertise by quickly trying new things and seeing results.

In this post, we will discuss data pipelines that follow batch, streaming, and event-driven paradigms. By reading through this post, you can quickly spin up the data tool/framework you need.

2. Run Data Pipelines

All the pipelines below are runnable on GitHub codespaces and locally with Docker.

2.1. Run on codespaces

You can run the data pipelines linked below using GitHub codespaces. Follow the instructions below.

  1. Fork or clone the linked repo. Create codespaces by going to the repo and then clicking the Create codespaces on main button.
  2. Wait for codespaces to start, and if the project has a requirements.txt, wait for codespaces to finish installing the libraries.
  3. In the codespace terminal, type make up (some projects have specific commands).
  4. Wait for make up to complete.
  5. After 30 seconds, go to the ports tab and click on the link exposing port 8080 to access Airflow UI (username and password is airflow). (Each project can have its UI ports)

Codespace Codespace make up Codespace Airflow UI

Note Make sure to switch off the codespaces instance; you only have limited free usage; see the docs here .

2.2. Run locally

To run locally, you need:

  1. git
  2. Github account
  3. Docker with at least 4GB of RAM and Docker Compose v1.27.0 or later

Clone the repo and run the following commands specified in their GitHub repo.

Note: Do not use the Docker images in the projects below for production, as they are not optimized.

3. Projects

3.1. Projects from least to most complex

While you can pick and choose the projects you like, here is a recommended order for people new to DE:

  1. cost_effective_data_pipelines
  2. bitcoinMonitor
  3. data_engineering_project_template
  4. beginner_de_project
  5. simple_dbt_project
  6. change_data_capture
  7. e2e_datapipeline_test
  8. beginner_de_project_stream
  9. Text to SQL RAG
  10. rainforest

3.2. Batch pipelines

Attribute bitcoin_monitor simple_dbt_project cost_effective_data_pipelines data_engineering_project_template beginner_de_project rainforest
Blog and code links Blog: Project to impress Hiring Manager and Code: bitcoin_monitor Blog: dbt tutorial and Code: simple_dbt_project Blog: Pipelines with DuckDB and Code: cost_effective_data_pipelines Blog: Data Engineering Project Template and Code: data_engineering_project_template Blog: Beginner Data Engineering Project-Batch and Code: beginner_de_project Blog: - and Code: Rainforest
Source CoinCap API csv sqlite3 (OLTP db with TPC-H data) CoinCap API csv and Postgres Postgres
Destination Postgres warehouse DuckDB warehouse DuckDB DuckDB warehouse DuckDB warehouse Cloud storage
Scheduler cron - - Airflow Airflow -
Orchestrator Python native dbt Python native Airflow Airflow Spark DAG
Data processor Python standard library DuckDB DuckDB in Python Python native and DuckDB Apache Spark and DuckDB Apache Spark
Data quality - dbt tests - Cuallee Cuallee Great Expectations
Storage file system file system file system Minio (open source S3) Minio (open source S3) Minio (open source S3)
Visualization Metabase - - Quarto Quarto -
Monitoring and alerting - dbt UI for monitoring - Airflow UI Airflow UI Prometheus and Grafana
CI/CD GitHub Actions - - GitHub Actions GitHub Actions -
IAC Terraform - - Terraform Terraform -
Code testing Pytest - - Pytest Pytest Pytest
Linting and formatting black, isort, mypy, and flake8 - - black, isort, mypy, and flake8 black, isort, mypy, and flake8 black, isort, mypy, and flake8

3.3. Stream pipelines

Attribute Data Engineering Project - Stream Edition
Blog and code links Blog: Data Engineering project Stream and Code: beginner_de_project_stream
Source Postgres tables
Destination Postgres warehouse and Kafka
Scheduler Continuously running stream
Orchestrator Apache Flink DAG
Data processor Apache Flink
Data quality -
Storage Apache Flink metastore and OLTP table for enrichment
Visualization Apache Flink UI and Grafana
Monitoring and alerting Prometheus and Grafana
Code testing -
Linting and formatting black, isort, mypy, and flake8

3.4. Event-driven pipelines

Attribute CDC with Kafka and Debezium End to end pipeline test, simulating AWS Lambda
Blog and code links Blog: Change data capture with Debezium and Kafka and Code: change_data_capture Blog: End to end tests for AWS Lambda pipelines and Code: e2e_datapipeline_test
Source csv, kafka csv on SFTP
Destination DuckDB warehouse Postgres warehouse
Triggering event Event-driven, by insert/delete/update on Postgres table AWS Lambda triggers event on S3 inserts
Orchestrator Debezium and Kafka connect Python native
Data processor Debezium to read WAL and S3 sink to push data to S3 Python
Data quality - -
Storage S3 (we use Minio to simulate S3) S3 (we use Minio to simulate S3)
Visualization - -
Code testing - moto, Pytest
Linting and formatting black, isort, mypy, and flake8 black, isort, mypy, and flake8

3.5. LLM RAG pipelines

Blog at Building Retrieval Augmented Generation with LLM pipeline and Code at data_helper .

4. Conclusion

To recap, we saw

  1. How to quickly run data pipelines with GitHub codespaces
  2. Batch, Stream and Event-driven pipeline examples

Please bookmark this page and use it to build your own data pipelines! Try out new tools/frameworks and showcase your expertise to potential employers.

Send me your pipeline repo, and I will provide you with feedback!

Please let me know in the comment section below if you have any questions or comments.

If you found this article helpful, share it with a friend or colleague using one of the socials below!

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Overwhelmed by all the concepts you need to learn to become a data engineer? Have difficulty finding good data projects for your portfolio? Are online tutorials littered with sponsored tools and not foundational concepts?

Learning data engineer can be a long and rough road, but it doesn't have to be!

Pick up any new tool/framework with a clear understanding of data engineering fundamentals. Demonstrate your expertise by building well-documented real-world projects on GitHub.

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    Land your dream Data Engineering job!

    Overwhelmed by all the concepts you need to learn to become a data engineer? Have difficulty finding good data projects for your portfolio? Are online tutorials littered with sponsored tools and not foundational concepts?

    Learning data engineer can be a long and rough road, but it doesn't have to be!

    Pick up any new tool/framework with a clear understanding of data engineering fundamentals. Demonstrate your expertise by building well-documented real-world projects on GitHub.

    Sign up for my free DE-101 course that will take you from basics to building data projects in 4 weeks!

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